SuperManion Token (SMAN)
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Last updated
Token Name: SMAN Token
Token Symbol: SMAN
Contract Address:
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Max Supply: (Un)limited (~285807)*
Stong emission reduction: 5% every 12h!
Burn Rate: 80% of transfer tax will be burned immediately
Fee Rate: 20% transfer to treasury wallet
Total Transfer Tax Rate: 5% (set slippage min. 6%)
1 SMAN / block
reduces by 5% every 12h!
There's currently no hard cap on the supply of SuperManion, making it an inflationary token.
Community members often point to this as a cause for concern, and while the dev team certainly understands the wish for a hard cap, there's a big reason we don't expect to set one in the near future.
SuperManion's primary function is to incentivize providing liquidity to the exchange. Without block rewards, there would be much less incentive to provide liquidity (LP fees, etc. would remain).
By reducing the amount of SuperManion generated per block, we slow the inflation down. There is an automatic emission reduction, which is reducing the emission by 5% every 12 hours until 0.01/block is reached. This mechanism combined with the transfer tax results in a long-term stable token price.
After 45,5 days the final Emission of 0,01 SMAN Block is reached from than on only about 150 new SMAN will be minted every 12h! At the Timepoint of 45,5 days after farming start 285807 have already been minted! (After 145 days there are 313686 SMAN minted.)
SuperManion now has a 5% transfer tax in each transfer. 4 % is burned directly and the rest 1% is sent to the treasury wallet. This deflationary mechanism will help us to reduce the circulating supply of SMAN which will reduce the sell pressure a lot.