Deposit Fee

(Deposit Fee is HARDCODED to MAX 4%, it can't be set higher!)

Deposit Fee

When users enter the farming on SuperManion or its Layers, a deposit fee will be charged on all non-native pools.

The maximum possible Deposit fee is 4%, it can NEVER be set higher as the code of the MasterChef does NOT allow this! To set a Withdraw Fee is NOT possible at all, so you won't ever habe fees on your Withdraw.

Usage of the Fees

  • Mainly to BUYBACK the Native Tokens (and later BURN!)

  • Partly to add additional Liquidity to Native Pools

  • Partly to Create NON-Native earning Pools ( like BUSD earning POOL)

  • Partly for Marketing/ Promo and Partnerships

  • Partly for further Development and the Team

Last updated